Category: Hiking

  • Top 5 trail mixes for your next adventure

    Top 5 trail mixes for your next adventure

    GORP — good ol’ raisins and peanuts. It’s a classic for a reason but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t switch it up every once in a while. Let me help! These are my top 5 favorite trail mixes. Before we get into it, I have a question. Is it really trail mix if it doesn’t…

  • How to clean a water bladder

    How to clean a water bladder

    When heading out on an adventure, it is important to stay hydrated. My favorite method for hauling around water is using a water bladder (also called a hydration bladder). I like to use a water bladder because it is lighter and less bulky than water bottles, and because I don’t need to fumble around with…

  • The ultimate guide to tick bites

    The ultimate guide to tick bites

    Tick bites come from parasitic arachnids. That alone should tell you everything that you need to know — run. Ticks are parasites, which means that they live on a host at the expense of the host. Ticks feed off the blood of their hosts and can spread diseases (like Lyme disease) through their bites. Why…

  • The ultimate guide to hiking blisters

    The ultimate guide to hiking blisters

    Hiking blisters can ruin a good time — fast. Before you head out on your next adventure, learn how to treat (and hopefully avoid) hiking blisters so that you can focus on enjoying the outdoors. I’ve had blisters before but I never really took them seriously… Until the one time where the blisters were so…

  • What is in my hiking backpack

    What is in my hiking backpack

    Maybe you are getting ready for your first hike. Maybe you go on frequent adventures and are wondering what you could add (or take away!) from your current set-up. Or maybe you just like gear. Well, let me show you what I keep in my hiking backpack for a day on the trail! If you…

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