
Hi there, friend!

My name is Danny and I am so happy that you are here.

Whether it is hiking, camping, fishing, or hunting — I love being outside. But it wasn’t always this way. I didn’t grow up spending time outdoors, and for a long time, I avoided nature because it was intimidating. Sometimes it was the bugs; sometimes it was the bears. What it really boiled down to was that I was afraid of the unknown.

It turns out that it is awesome out here. And I want you to experience it too.

Let me help you get out of the inside and into the outside!

This is a picture of Danny. She is a Caucasian woman in her twenties. She is wearing a hiking backpack over top of a green flannel coat. Her blonde hair is in long braids that are covered by a black toque. She has big glasses. She stands in front of a snowy river with mountains in the background.